
April 25, 2016

Guest Book Review: Dibya Satpathy's Dormant State by Gouri

Dormant State
Dibya Satpathy
review Copy via Writer's Melon
           'The dormant state', the first from the pen of the zealous soldier,Dibya Satpathy,presently serving with Indian Armed Force, a graduate of the prestigious National Defence academy, is a political fiction based on Odisha, the author's native place.

           The protagonist,Anirudh,is a vibrant, unorthodox young man from a middle class family. The story revolves in such a way that the average reader can easily relate to it.The book is particularly relevant in the current political and social scenario where false propagandas and pseudo-intellectual political activism often masquerades as responsible journalism. 

           Anirudh is the kind of guy who never refuses to help anyone and at the same time who is bold enough to fight against the social evils.It's this attitude of his which makes him lead a mob and eventually enter the big bad world of politics which ultimately acts as a turning point in his  life. For a spirited youth who finds the realities of our system not as conforming can easily  relate to Anirudh and each of his dilemmas and  thoughts.
As the story progresses Anirudh's perceptions,needs,ideas and overall perspective get influenced by a SOMEONE who is always there to pave a perfect way to the emerging leader. At the end all his ideas take an evil turn to row along the norms of society.

         The story is more focused on its social and political confrontations. It will be convincing for a reader who seeks more update on each lines regarding the plot in a social and political level rather than the fictional elements. The author has succeded in picturising each scene in readers mind. Sticking true to it's political-thriller genre, the author has been smart enough to do away with the 'mandatory romantic track' thereby making sure that the overall tone of the narrative is never diluted.

          The real life 'inspirations' behind the events mentioned in the book are at times way too obvious but that doesn't act as a hindrance in the narrative at any point of time.

The cover page is decently done and the overall design and formatting of the book is also quite decent.On the whole, Dibya Satpathy's 'Dormant State' is a good read.I'm giving 3.75/5 for this engaging debut.

-Reviewed by Gouri.

Thank You Gouri for this well written review.

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