
October 2, 2017

The London Bridge!

Well,this is mostly going to be a photo blog post(which basically means that you will have to bear with my non existent photographic skills !).London is quite full of places of historic importance and  beautiful tourist attractions.People from all over the world come here to have a glance of the most iconic tourist spots.
1.The Tower Bridge(London Bridge)- The bridge opens up to make way for the big ships/boats which are trying to cross the river,which indeed is a beautiful sight!
2.The London Eye-This is something like a giant wheel which give the full view of London.Situated just beside the river,gives a beautiful view of the city indeed.
3.The Parliament-Well,I don't have a picture of the parliament yet,but this is where it's situated and there are some beautiful statues of the world leaders here.
4.The Palace-I'm sure that many of you might have seen this image somewhere else,but I believe no post about London is complete without these pictures.
5.The Gardens-I forgot the name of this garden ,but that doesn't matter,right.There is a nice kid's play area also inside and I bet your kids are going to love this place.
6.Thames-Do I need to say more?
7.The Streets on a Sunday Morning-It's actually full of tourists from different parts of the world(they aren't there in this picture though!)
8.Victoria Station-The national rail trains to various parts converge here.
9.The Roads-They aren't very crowded, right?
10.The Heron-This one is so used to humans ,I believe!Doesn't mind posing for a snap or two!

11.The Big Ben-They are renovating it.But that hasn't reduced it's charm in any ways!


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