
September 16, 2019

QBR: Sidney Sheldon's Morning,Noon &Night

                                                       372 + pages
                                                       Originally Published in 1997
                                                       RT Rating: 3.5/5

This work first came out almost two decades ago, but still it hasn't become dated and manages to be a racy read. Sidney Sheldon was truly the 'Mr Blockbuster' and will remain to be so and I can confidently say that no Tilly Bagshawe or James Patterson can replicate Sheldon.

The Verdict:On the whole,Morning,Noon& Night is  racy,entertaining pulp.
Synopsis: The Great Harry Stanford, one of America's richest businessman has drowned mysteriously while cruising on his yacht.He was never fond of his three children during his lifetime and soon a young lady appears claiming to be his illegitimate child and a share of his fortune. Is she an imposter?
The Good:enough twists and turns which makes it a racy read.
The Bad:the characters are quite shallow and you never get to invest in them that much.
RecommendationsBuy it!


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