
December 8, 2019

Mini Book Review: Dubai Days By Sajeev Edathadan

                           Sajeev Edathadan’s ‘Sampoorna Kodakarapuranam’ was a book which I enjoyed a lot. So, I picked up his follow up work, ‘Dubai Days’ with quite high expectations. But to be very frank, ‘Dubai Days’ left me with mixed feelings.
                           Like his previous work, in ‘Dubai Days’ also Vishalamanaskan uses his trade mark humour to take the narrative forward. Edathadan is also brutally honest and doesn’t have any qualms in reminiscing about his noble up bringing. But the basic issue with this book is that many of the ‘stories’( incidents) included in this compilation don’t have enough meat in them to have any re-call value. The pick of the lot is undoubtedly the one in which Vishalamanaskan talks about his mother and how she ensured her children a successful future overcoming all the hardships. 

On the whole, ‘Dubai Days’ is a time pass read. I’m giving it a 2.75 out of 5

PS- I hope Edathadan will let go his fetish with ‘However’ atleast by the next book.


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