
January 8, 2020

Mini Book Review: FlashBack by Sudeesh Peringottukara

        Flashback by Sudeesh Peringottukara aspires to be a crime thriller. The story is about the mysterious death of a lady doctor .Dr Grace  is found dead in her in-law's house and though the death is initially dubbed as a case of suicide, pretty soon,it becomes evident that it's a case of Murder.The case is initially investigated by the local police team and when they fail to find out the truth, our protagonist enters and the real culprit is finally brought to the books.

       On the surface level, though this is a pretty interesting thought( a bit dated one though!), the execution and writing is quite lacklustre, making this one a pretty average work.The characters feel a bit half-baked and the reader doesn't get much time to invest himself to the proceedings.This book feels like those crime thrillers which used to come out in the late eightees and early ninetees.

On the whole, I'm giving a 2.5 out of 5 for this book.


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