Stress is an inevitable accompaniment of modern life.As most of us know, stress can create havoc in our personal life.It can cause or worsen a hell lot of diseases.But have you ever thought Diabetes is one among them?Those who haven't, this one is for you people.

The ability to cope with stress depends on the individual and it all depends on how he/she reacts to it.It's also important not to resort to a band-aid approach when dealing with stress.(that's try only treating the symptoms avoiding finding out the root cause for it).Stress management techniques,diet,exercise,meditation,bio-feed back,yoga and other relaxation therapy will help in over coming stress..
for those who wonder why i am posting an article related to diabetes,november 14 th is the world diabetes day.
useful one
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thanks cristine.....
Great and useful post. Thanks for sharing this great post.
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