
July 3, 2024

Book Review : My Lovely Wife, Samantha Downing


My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing was a best seller when it released a couple of years back. This one is supposed to be a domestic suspense thriller with a twist (if the endorsement on it's cover is anything to go by!).

Millicent and her husband are married for almost a decade now. They have two kids, Jenna and Rory. They are living their quiet boring life in the suburbs and their marriage is not really going anywhere.But there is a catch - they share a very dark secret!

The story is told in Millicent 's point of view and I must say that this one didn't really work for me. The chapters are really short and the language is pretty simple. Though tauted as a psychological thriller, I found this one to be a boring drama for it's most part.

Why should you waste your time reading pages and pages of really boring everyday chores after picking up a 'thriller', in the first place? Nothing much really happens for almost three fourth of the book and the proceedings get interesting only towards the climax portions. The climax also leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions and the tail end twists ends up as nothing but an over used trope. The unreliable narrator trope also doesnt work that much.

On the whole, I found this one to be a barely passable thriller.
